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Port of Amsterdam supports blue hydrogen plant initiative in port of Den Helder

A plant to produce blue hydrogen on a large scale could be operational in Den Helder by 2027. Research by H2Gateway, a consortium of businesses and public bodies, shows that this is possible.

First degassing tests for barges underway in Port of Amsterdam

A trial involving innovative vapour recovery systems was launched in the port of Amsterdam today. The aim is to enable barges to recover vapours safely and in a controlled manner to prevent them from being released into the air. This marks a significant step towards clean shipping.
Windpark Fryslân

Building a wind farm: power for everyone

In a series of four interviews, we share everything about our views on building wind farms on the water. The first to speak: Joris Hol, project leader at Wind Farm Fryslân.
Bouwlogistiek in Amsterdam

Amsterdam Vaart! results in reduced emissions and congestion in the city

37% fewer CO2 emissions, 1,600 fewer truck trips in the city and a reduction of 19,700 trips outside the city. The Amsterdam Vaart! project is making a difference. The results were achieved over the past two years by using construction logistics by water in nine construction projects in and around the city.
Cocoa in de haven

Dutch Seaports win International Award for Sustainability

The Dutch seaports of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Terneuzen/Vlissingen, Moerdijk, and Groningen have jointly won the ‘World Ports Sustainability Award’.
Graphic nieuwe Energiehaven

New Energy port for a sustainable future

The dredge sludge depot at the former Averijhaven near IJmuiden will soon be developed into an Energy Port. A partnership covenant for the new facility was signed today.