Compulsory Pilotage
Compulsory pilotage for the Amsterdam-IJmond seaport area is regulated by the Compulsory Pilotage Regulation 2021 and the Compulsory Pilotage Decree 2021. There is also the Pilotage Act. The Loodsenwet regulates pilotage per se: who is appointed for this purpose and how it is organised in the Netherlands. The Loodsenwet is separate from practical pilotage obligations, exemptions and exemptions.
Pilotage Regulation
Chapter 3 of the Compulsory Pilotage Regulations (Articles 23-29) states, inter alia, the following;
- Which waterways in the seaport area are subject to compulsory pilotage
- Who is the competent authority
- How the categorical exemption is regulated
- Exemption from compulsory pilotage for work boats
- Exemption from compulsory pilotage for PEC holders
- Exemption from compulsory pilotage for PEC-small sea-going vessels
- Further provisions regarding training modules for obtaining a PEC

Compulsory Pilotage Decree
The Compulsory Pilotage Decree regulates, among other things, the following:
- Categorical exemption from compulsory pilotage
- Exemption from compulsory pilotage with a PEC
- Exemption from compulsory pilotage
- Ad hoc compulsory pilotage
- Room for experiments
- Obligations of the master using the services of a pilot

Information guide for PEC's
The PEC information guide provides an overview of the practical implementation of the PEC holder programme. You can read all about the procedures and preconditions for obtaining exemption from compulsory pilotage. Such as:
- Applying for a PEC
- Training and testing
- PEC for small sea-going vessels and workboats
- Restrictions, such as weather conditions
- Exemptions

Do you have questions about compulsory pilotage or applying for a PEC? Please contact the Harbour Master's Division, Port Office via portoffice@portofamsterdam.com or +31 (0)20 523 46 00, selection menu 2.
Do you have any questions about the training programme? Send an e-mail to the Regional Pilotage Corporation Amsterdam-IJmond (RLc): PEC-AY@loodswezen.nl.