Startup ReefSystems installs artificial reef in IJmuiden
The Amsterdam Startup ReefSystems, based in Prodock, installed artificial reefs in IJmuiden on Monday 26 October to promote biodiversity.
With these reefs ReefSystems creates habitats, a natural habitat, to stimulate the growth of local marine life. With this installation ReefSystems hopes to take a step towards larger reef installations at wind farms in the North Sea.
ReefSystems' various microhabitats provide food, shelter and breeding grounds for a wide variety of species, allowing populations to grow again and restoring local ecosystems. The reef installation near IJmuiden is the first of three installations of the overarching North Sea Canal project. Wednesday 28 October a reef was installed near the Moezelhaven (brackish water) and on 3 November a reef near the Amsterdam Marine area (sweeter water).
ReefSystems designs and produces systems that promote biodiversity. In this case an artificial reef; the 'Modular Sealife System', as the founders call it. In collaboration with Port of Amsterdam, Rijkswaterstaat and Wageningen University, it stimulates the growth of various underwater populations in the North Sea Canal. Lack of habitats is, after fishing, blocking migratory routes and pollution, the biggest cause of declining biodiversity. The installation of artificial reefs creates new habitats for local and migratory fish species, crustaceans and shellfish.
Port of Amsterdam has been an active member of the North Sea Canal Fish Migration Working Group for many years. Together with the province of North Holland, Hoogheemraadschappen Hollands Noorderkwartier and Rijnland, Waterschap Amstel, Gooi and Vecht, Rijkswaterstaat, Municipality of Amsterdam and Sportvisserij MidWest Nederland. This group is trying to strengthen fish migration.