Day tourist tax
The City of Amsterdam has set a Day Tourist Tax for TRANSIT sea cruise and river cruise passengers that moor within the municipal boundaries of Amsterdam.

For whom should Day Tourist Tax be paid?
- Transitpassengers, for whom Amsterdam is a stopover.
- Mooring in Amsterdam (not in another municipality).
The tax rate is € 14,50 per person from 2 years old, per day (24 hours, or a part of it). Crew members are excluded from tourist tax.
Declaring Day Tourist Tax in CruiseDock
The declaration of Day Tourist Tax for river cruise ships is carried out via CruiseDock. Watch the video to see how it works

Decleration for river cruise operators
- The declaration for river cruise ships is carried out via CruiseDock. As a customer of Port of Amsterdam, you have a login code for this. New customers can request the app and login via amsterdam.cruisedock.nl.
- The captain also has to have a personal login code for CruiseDock and install the app.
- Those making reservations for river cruise ships enter in advance the expected number of TRANSIT passengers in CruiseDock.
- It is required to enter in CruiseDock the maximum number of passengers (MAX-PAX) for any of your ships calling on the port of Amsterdam.
- The captain confirms the definite number of passengers within 5 days of departure in Easydock.
- Captains of all river-cruise calls must always complete and confirm the Sailing Report in CruiseDock on departure. Up to a maximum of 30 days after ATD.
- The declaration is definite once the approval of the captain has been received in CruiseDock. The person making the reservation receives a confirmation of this declaration.
Declaration for sea cruise operators
- For seagoing cruise ships, Passenger Terminal Amsterdam (PTA) makes declarations within 5 days after departure using the 'for invoicing purposes' form. PTA will eventually enter the passenger numbers in CruiseDock.
- The 'for invoicing purposes' form is the same form that is now signed by both the shipping company and PTA for charging the terminal fee.
- The shipping company will receive via the agent a confirmation of the declaration containing the amount of the day-tourist tax.

Day Tourist Tax collection
Port of Amsterdam collects this tax on behalf of the City of Amsterdam. This is separate from other harbour dues.
Verification for passenger numbers
Port of Amsterdam verifies the passenger numbers provided. There is no need to submit passenger lists.
Declaration and payment term
The declaration is to be made preferably within 5 days (but no later than a month) of departure.
The payment of the Day Tourist Tax, with reference to the declaration number, must be completed by bank transfer within one month of departure. The bank account number is stated on the declaration
Submit an objection
Do you disagree with the amount of your day tourist tax assessment? Then you can object. The legal period of 6 weeks within which objections can be made starts from the moment that payment is made (the decision date).
In your notice of objection you state:
- Your name and address
- The registration number of the assessment
- The reason for the objection
- The date
If you wish, you can be heard by a hearing committee.
You can submit your rejection online. If you are unable to make use of this option, you can send your notice of objection by e-mail to toeristenbelasting@portofamsterdam.com, or by post to:
Havenbedrijf Amsterdam N.V.
t.a.v. Bezwaar Toeristenbelasting
Postbus 19406
1000 GK Amsterdam
Registration number: 19500069
Do you have any questions about tourist tax? Send an e-mail to toeristenbelasting@portofamsterdam.com.