Publication of the Designation Decree Lay-by Berth for Ships at TITAN

From 24 Jun 2020

The Director of the Central Nautical Management North Sea Canal Area announces the following:

TITAN has a bunker location which is also used as a lay-by berth for ships (with the purpose to comply with statutory work and rest periods, waiting for cargo, or waiting to be unloaded). As the ships using this lay-by berth will (not) always be 'target group' ships for the oil port, an exemption is needed to make this possible. The exemption is regulated by this Decree.

This Decree also serves to apply a stricter safety regime than the generally applicable safety regime for all waiting ships, including permissible tankers, because ships are often waiting next to a TITAN loaded LNG barge.

TITAN has established a safety procedure for ships using this lay-by berth. This safety procedure will be imposed by the company on ships using the lay-by berth. A condition attached to this Decree states that TITAN must effectively impose this safety procedure on ships using the lay-by berth so that these ships are informed of the strict regime in place and understand the communication procedures.

Furthermore, ships using the lay-by berth are not allowed to carry out any (engineering) works - which is common practice for ships at lay-by berths. Moreover, the above-mentioned (engineering) activities are not appropriate for this particular oil port berth and are therefore prohibited. This prohibition may be deviated from in individual cases.

The Director of the Central Nautical Management North Sea Canal Area, who is also the State Harbour Master,

J.H.M. Mateyo